UCSC subcontracted the development of the SCALES (Slicer Combined with an Array of Lenslets for Exoplanet Spectroscopy) cryostat to OMP. This included support for preliminary design, concurrent engineering with suppliers, and participation in formal reviews up to the Critical Design Review (CDR). A comprehensive set of analyses, fabrication drawings, and assembly drawings was delivered, and OMP provided support during fabrication and final testing prior to delivery to UCSC.


The design encompasses the cryostat itself, a shipping skid with dampers tailored for the cryostat, and provisions for a future optical bench and optics to facilitate transport to the Keck Observatory.


OMP designed the optical bench support system, which incorporates titanium flexures to minimize thermal conductivity and isolate the bench, allowing it to operate at liquid nitrogen temperatures. Additionally, a thermal shield was developed, consisting of aluminum surrounded by multi-layer insulation (MLI). All thermal, thermoelastic, and structural analyses were conducted by OMP to ensure compliance with project requirements.

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